Selles bien moulées, aucuns soucis pour nos 2 filles de 4 mois et demi
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Our Puppy Lamb & Rice is a hypoallergenic, gluten-free food ideally suited for puppies with allergies such as skin, intestinal and stomach problems
Our Puppy Lamb & Rice is a hypoallergenic, gluten-free food that is great for puppies with allergies such as skin, intestinal and stomach problems. Our food is made from the finest ingredients and contains no added artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. It is a food that is high in protein, fat and nutrients, making it a perfect food for your dog. Our Puppy Lamb & Rice is exactly what your dog needs to stay healthy and energetic!
Selles bien moulées, aucuns soucis pour nos 2 filles de 4 mois et demi
Que dire ? Excellente croquette, chiots au top et selles très bien moulées. Je ne peux que recommander